September 8, 2015 at 6:15pm
I Thank you Parents and Supporters. We appreciate you. We are off to a great year. Meet the staff! Get to know your child’s teacher. We are here to help and support one another.
II Book Fees. All books are in. Any book fees not paid, please see Sis. Linda.
III. Tuition. Please remain current. Please see Sis. Linda regarding any concerns with tuition or fees. GOAL: 100% of financial obligations meet.
IV. Music Class at FWSOC.
V. PTF Dues. $5 per month per child but not to exceed $10 per family.
III Candy Sale- Sept. 21, 2015- Oct. 8, 2015. New form format will make it easier to read. Goal- 2 cases per child- $90 per case ($180.00)
IV. Individual (Dress Up) Pictures- Thursday, October 1, 2015.
V. Fall Break-No school or daycare (Columbus Day) October 12, 2015.
VI. Box Tops and Labels 4 Education – DEADLINE: Oct. 28, 2015
VII. Angel Party- Friday, Oct. 30, 2015. Angelic costumes acceptable. PTF Dues to cover pizza and drinks.
VII. Art Show in November 14, 2015 (Saturday).
IX. Thanksgiving Break- No classes- November 23-27, 2015; Daycare closed- Nov. 26-27, 2015.
Thank you for your support!
HOW CAN I (As Parent) Help?
Promote Box Tops and identify ways for others to support
Promote Labels for Education and identify ways for others to support
Sign up to decorate or promote or share in the ART show
Encourage support of parents for candy sale
Donate to the school- Items needed-laptops / tablets/ finances (all financial gifts given to school are tax deductible)
Technology support - share your gift of helping to enhance our wireless network system
Volunteer to help to crafts or activities at the angel party or during the Christmas party
Volunteer to share with youth in an activity afterschool- Girlscout troop or Boyscout troop anyone? Afterschool dance class (for our praise dancers) or afterschool chess club master or afterschool sports team afterschool musical instrument (violin/ keyboard/ guitar/ horns…)
Volunteer to coordinate parents to help in appreciating our staff
Be Present at PTF Meetings and make meetings great!
We appreciate your support!
Let's work together to make this school year Outstanding!
It's not just idle chatter. Together WE can make our school year the best thus far!